Sophisticated Alarms

Deploying a complex alarming solution can be vital for some users.


Whilst historic alarms help to analyse certain events and provide information for prevention, real-time alarms allow users to react quickly to current problems saving expensive machinery, products or even human life.


When designing AVReporter this was one of the main areas to focus on, as many users are coming from highly sensitive environments (pharma industry, food and beverages, data centers, banks etc.).


AVReporter is available in desktop, web and mobile environment too: featuring alarm, event management and alarm summary report creation possibilities, email sending, etc.



  • check2  Simple filter settings possibilities
  • check2  Customize alarm settings for user requirement
  • check2  Alarm group creation (separate alarms for utilities)
  • check2  Support Root Cause Analysis
  • check2  Notification for alarm acknowledges (support maintenance activities)
  • check2  Create alarm queries and reports
  • check2  Export functions
  • check2  Multi language alarm messages
  • check2  System event log







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